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Intended for US audiences only. Solo para personas de los Estados Unidos

Your Contact Information

If you are the caregiver of a patient(s) with a bleeding disorder, please fill out the below fields using your own personal information, rather than the information of the patient(s) you care for. You will be able to add patient(s) to your account in the next step.

Patient Contact Information

If you are the caregiver of a patient(s) with a bleeding disorder, please add each patient you are caring for below.

Add Patient 1

Add Patient 2

Add Patient 3

Add Patient 4

By giving us your email address, you are consenting to receive future communications from Octapharma and/or your local Patient Experience Manager. Please review our Data Privacy Statement.

We ask questions regarding your diagnosis and treatment specifics so that we can serve you relevant content and tailor your Factor My Way experience. This information will not be shared with or distributed to any third parties.

Therapy Information:

Therapy Information:

Therapy Information:

Therapy Information:

Therapy Information:

Create Account Password

Indications and Important Safety Information for NUWIQ® and wilate®.
Indicaciones e Información de seguridad importante de NUWIQ® y wilate® .
Consulte la Información de prescripción completa de NUWIQ y instrucciones de uso, o Información de prescripción completa de wilate.
Indications and Important Safety Information for NUWIQ® [Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant)]
Indicaciones e Información de seguridad importante de NUWIQ® [factor antihemofílico (recombinante)].
Consulte la Información de prescripción completa de NUWIQ. Instrucciones de uso
Indications and Important Safety Information for wilate® [von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Complex (Human)].
Indicaciones e Información de seguridad importante de wilate® [complejo de factor de von Willebrand/factor VIII de la coagulación (humanos)].