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Related Resources
  • About von Willebrand disease (Educational Article)
    Learn about von Willebrand disease, including the different types and what causes it. This article also describes the signs and symptoms of VWD, how doctors learn you have it, problems it can cause, and treatment.
  • Am I the Only One? The Genetics of Von Willebrand Disease (Educational Article)
    Understanding the genetics of von Willebrand disease (VWD) helps medical science develop efficient therapies and individuals assess risks of familial inheritance of the condition. In this article, Dr. Claudio Sandoval provides an overview of the types of VWD, how and the rates at which they are inherited, as well as an overview of tests used to diagnose the disease.
  • My Life with VWD: Making a Difference (Patient Story Video)
    Factor My Way Patient Educator Kerri Borgese shares her experiences growing up with Type 3 VWD, moving beyond a childhood of feeling different into a woman making a difference in the lives of others. Nature-lover, athlete, and nurse, Kerri thrives on outdoor activity and finds fulfilment in giving back.
  • Nose Bleeds and Bleeding Disorders: Understanding the Connections (Educational Article)
    Nose bleeds are common. Causes range from nose picking, to allergies, to bleeding disorders, and even to cancer. For people with bleeding disorders, nose bleeds are often an early sign that something isn’t right. That is why a thorough medical evaluation is recommended to diagnose the root of the problem. Check out this article to learn more about the anatomy of the nose, causes of nose bleeds, their relationship to bleeding disorders, evaluation, and therapy options.

The above represent a small sample of our full-suite of member-only education resources. Whether its inspiring patient stories, informative educational articles, or practical videos on living with bleeding disorders, you will find it all here – ready for you at your convenience.

La información de arriba representa una pequeña muestra de nuestra serie completa de recursos educativos exclusivos para miembros. Ya sean historias inspiradoras de pacientes, artículos educativos informativos o videos prácticos sobre la vida con trastornos hemorrágicos, encontrará todo aquí: listo para usted y para su comodidad.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or nursing advice, counseling, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult with your local Hemophilia Treatment Center physician or other health care provider if you have any questions related to management of bleeding disorders.

Este contenido no tiene como objetivo reemplazar el consejo, asesoramiento, diagnóstico o tratamiento de un médico o enfermero profesional. Consulte con el médico de su Centro de Tratamiento para la Hemofilia local u otro proveedor de atención médica si tiene preguntas relacionadas con el manejo de los trastornos hemorrágicos.
