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Related Resources
  • About Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B (Educational Article)
    Learn about the two main types of hemophilia, A and B. This article tells you about each one and how they are alike and different.
  • Factor 8 Deficiency and Treatment Options (Educational Article)
    Today there are several treatment options available for hemophilia A. They include F8 replacement therapies as well as non-factor alternatives. In this article, Dr. Claudio Sandoval reviews the roles of F8 in the body, F8 deficiency and hemophilia, as well as current and emerging treatment options for people who are F8 deficient.
  • The Fork in the Road: Treatment Decisions and the Perpetual PUP (Educational Article)
    Understanding the impact of treatment decisions is important for everyone with hemophilia A, but particularly so for previously untreated patients (PUPs). Learn about the two treatment paths available today, their risks and benefits, inhibitor development, the “perpetual PUP” and the implications of choosing non-factor therapy for those new to treatment, as well as what questions to consider when choosing which treatment path to take.
  • Women Have Bleeding Disorders Too! (Educational Article)
    Bleeding disorders in women are often seen as normal, misdiagnosed, or not diagnosed at all, leading to reduced quality of life and development of problematic health conditions. This article discusses genetic inheritance of bleeding disorders, evaluation of women’s bleeding symptoms, their meaning at various life stages, and available treatments.
  • Signs You Might Be Bleeding Internally (Infographic/Fact Sheet)
    It's not always easy for hemophilia A patients to know when they're bleeding internally. Learn some of the common symptoms to look out for that may indicate internal bleeding in hemophilia A patients.

The above represent a small sample of our full-suite of member-only education resources. Whether its inspiring patient stories, informative educational articles, or practical videos on living with bleeding disorders, you will find it all here – ready for you at your convenience.

La información de arriba representa una pequeña muestra de nuestra serie completa de recursos educativos exclusivos para miembros. Ya sean historias inspiradoras de pacientes, artículos educativos informativos o videos prácticos sobre la vida con trastornos hemorrágicos, encontrará todo aquí: listo para usted y para su comodidad.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or nursing advice, counseling, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult with your local Hemophilia Treatment Center physician or other health care provider if you have any questions related to management of bleeding disorders.

Este contenido no tiene como objetivo reemplazar el consejo, asesoramiento, diagnóstico o tratamiento de un médico o enfermero profesional. Consulte con el médico de su Centro de Tratamiento para la Hemofilia local u otro proveedor de atención médica si tiene preguntas relacionadas con el manejo de los trastornos hemorrágicos.
